Tyler Medina is a son of God, husband, Father revivalist, author, and prophetic voice with a passion to bring the church into a deeper life of intimacy with God. Tyler was marked by a radical encounter with Jesus at eighteen years old in a jail cell, facing twenty years in prison for a crime he did not commit. After this encounter, Tyler promised to preach the gospel wherever God would send him and declare the good news of Jesus Christ. He has spent the last ten years traveling throughout the United States and South America working with church plants to stir up the wells of revival in their regions.

Anna Jo Medina is a worship leader, songwriter, author, teacher, and prophetic voice with a heart to draw people to the feet of Jesus through worship and teaching of the Word. Her heart’s cry is to spend her days at the feet of Jesus, breaking her alabaster box, and showing others how to pour out their very best to the One who deserves it all.

Together, Tyler and Anna Jo are the founders of Consuming Love Ministries, a ministry committed to strengthening the church by cultivating a deeper experience of God's presence in their daily lives. They are also the senior leaders of Trinity Life Center where there is a strong focus on equipping the next generation and seeing them fall passionately in love with Jesus. They are also the hosts of “The Father’s Heart” podcast. They reside in Lexington, Kentucky with their beautiful daughter Cadence Grace, and son Zane David.

About Consuming Love

In 2019, God spoke to Tyler Medina and said, “There is a generation consumed by power, but I want to consume a generation with My love.” After ten years of traveling throughout the United States and South America, planting churches and schools of ministry—while also ministering through street evangelism, open air meetings, church gatherings, and watching God move in many miracles, signs, and wonders—the Lord spoke to Tyler and his wife Anna Jo to plant a home base that would activate and equip a generation to serve on the front lines of what would be known as the Greatest Awakening, one that would awaken the Bride and she won’t fall back asleep into her slumber.

Our Vision

We believe that the Great Commission given by Jesus does not stop with an individual’s salvation, but also invites us to enter into divine communion with God. Out of the abundance of our love for Him, we partake of man’s original assignment on the earth: to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28) as a disciple who makes disciples.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them all things that I have commanded you; and low I am with you always, even until the end of the age.” Amen.

- Matthew 28:19-20

“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

- Mark 16:15-18

Our heart is to lead a generation past the veil of religion and into the inner chamber of His presence, the place of divine exchange, where the manifestation of true identity in Christ is revealed. We long to see a generation so infatuated by the presence of God that another lover will never catch their gaze because they have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. Their ministries will not be built on man’s accolades, but rather on the solidification of Sonship which has been forged in the flames of eternal love.

We believe there is an invitation to all believers to walk in the fulness of what Christ paid for on the cross. We believe that healings, signs, and wonders are your portion. We believe greater works than He did, you will do. (John 14:12) We believe you were not meant to live a complacent life and one day go to heaven. We believe eternal life is knowing Him (John 17:3). The people who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits (Daniel 11:32).