I woke up with Deuteronomy 28 burning in my belly, as I began to reread this passage I heard the Lord say:

    "These last few years were the years of the threshing floor. The days ahead shall be the days of divine inheritance for those who love Me, fear Me and have stood righteous before My presence. Those who entered into divine inhabitation by way of thanksgiving (Psalms 100:4) will see the fruits of what they have believed for because they continued to trust Me and believe on My promises. When the winds and waves came, they were not moved because they built their house on a foundation that could not be shaken. Heaven has marked them in this hour to be recipients of My grace, My favor, and My glory. They shall rise from the ashes of adversity bold as lions declaring forth the Word of the Lord. As it was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they are coming out untouched, unscorched, and their clothes will not smell like smoke. There is a new authority on their speech. Even when they rise to speak, it will cut differently because it has been sharpened on the grinding stone of my word and anointed in the seat of My presence. The threshing floor revealed one thing: those whose hearts really belonged to Me. Those who heaven has marked will ascend in this hour to heightened degrees of revelation, impartation, and glory. They will move in uncommon miracles and have great favor in the days ahead. I will use them to stir up the winds of revival and bring healing to this nation and the nations of the earth."

    The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in this season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.

    -Deuteronomy 28:12 here

    December 12th 2021

  • Mantled

    Many want to take on the mantles of fallen generals, yet few want to pay the price to take on that kind of anointing.

    Rule #1- You cannot take on an anointing like Kathryn Kuhlman, A.A. Allen, Lester Sumerall, etc and not have a prayer life. The measure of the mantle will crush you if it’s not maintained and upheld through prayer. (Too many people get to what they think is a pinnacle point in ministry and they lose their prayer life all together. Do not let that be you.)

    Rule #2- You can not wear shoes that were not made for you to wear. What I mean by that is this: be you! It doesn’t mean that you cannot grow into a mantle or measure of anointing. Elisha followed Elijah until he got swept up in chariots of Fire and threw his mantle upon Elisha’s shoulders. Elisha served under him that entire time being groomed and processed so that one day he wasn’t a man trying to be like Elijah. The people said, “Hey, you look just like Elijah," not because of him trying to, but because he became. What happened? He grew into the measure of anointing that was longing to be bestowed upon his life. He grew into the mantle.

    Do not buck the process, and don’t try to be anyone else but you. The Bible says your gift will make room for you. Be you, stay at the feet of Jesus, allow Him to groom you and when the measure of the mantle falls it will be undeniable the anointing you walk in.

    Rule #3- This is not for everyone... not everyone’s called to be a Kathryn Kuhlman or a Smith Wigglesworth.. and that’s okay. You are all uniquely special to God, you are all anointed, called and chosen before the foundation of the world. God has called you to lead in a capacity that no one may ever be able to do aside from you. Be okay with where you're called. You do have a purpose!

    Rule #4- Count the cost... The moment heaven deposits this kind of mantle on your life, it’s not just heaven that knows, but all of hell knows also. You can not sustain the measure that these generals walked in without the grace (enabling power) of the Holy Spirit to upkeep it. Meaning this: what you try to build in your own strength, you will be called to maintain in your own strength. When Kathryn Kuhlman was asked what it took to walk in the miracles, signs and wonders that often followed her ministry she responded by saying it has cost her to be the loneliest woman on earth. Meaning in an earthly state, she didn’t get to do what others were doing. When others were out at the movies she was in her room praying. When they were out at gatherings, she was in her room praying. When they were at sports events, she was in her room reading her word. When they were out having dinner, she was fasting. She knew the cost and she was willing to pay it! She consecrated her life as a living sacrifice so that God could use her any way He saw fit and when He was done only He would get the glory.

    This is important to understand. I honor those who have gone before and lived a life sold out to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I believe that there were certain deposits released in the earth when generals like Billy Graham, Bob Jones, Paul Cain, etc left the earth. However, I believe there is an injustice in prophesying mantles of generals upon the shoulders of select individuals without caution. First off, the Bible says lay hands on no man suddenly. Secondly, the mantles aren’t for everyone and there is such a thing as biblical order and protocol. Thirdly, you do a man or woman of God an injustice when you prophesy a mantle upon their life that they were never called to walk in. We need to get back to a culture of honor and understanding prophetic and biblical protocol within the body of Christ.

  • Angelic Assistance

    I woke up this morning in a vision, and in this vision I saw an angel of the Lord with a sword in one hand, and a scroll in the other. He had been dispatched on assignment, but he wasn’t alone. Behind his shoulders stood an army of angels that had been commissioned on your behalf. They held a sword for war in one hand and the scroll of heaven in the other. Contained in this scroll were strategies, mysteries, revelation, understanding, insight, and provision.

    The Spirit of God spoke to me, and He said “much like Daniel, He has heard you the first time you prayed. He has seen your faith, and He has heard your petition. He knows the fight you have been caught up in, and He knows this has been an hour where you have had to war over the promises of God.. but He says fret not, and do not be dismayed. For did I not say that through your faith and patience you would inherit the promise? (Hebrews 6:12) Now, I am dispatching warring Angels on your behalf, and releasing to you the strategy and provision of heaven.”

    Get ready; for the fight is not yours, it’s the Lord’s. I prophesy you are being broken out of your warfare, and every plot, plan, and scheme of the enemy is being destroyed in Jesus name. Every fiery arrow that has been launched against you, I say, be casted down in the name of Jesus. I prophesy a turning point in your life from this day forward, and the web you feel like you’ve been caught up in is breaking off. For every area where you have almost lost hope and given up, I prophesy a fresh wind hitting your belly, and hope being restored. (Isaiah 40:31) As Hope is renewed and restored, you will rise on wings like eagles, you will run and not grow weary, you will walk and not faint. This is the hour, rise up son, rise up daughter. Eat the scroll thats being released to you and soar to new dimensions of glory. In Jesus mighty name.

    Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.

    -Daniel 10:12

    -Tyler Medina


    Last night I had a dream where I was standing in a valley that looked dry and barren. Around me was a sea of people crying out and pleading for the move of God. A cry of desperation and hunger for the authentic move of the Spirit served as a sweet and pleasing aroma to the fathers nostrils. Although the people’s hearts were postured toward heaven as they partnered in unrelenting prayer for the will of God to be fulfilled, they looked beaten down, tired, and worn out.

    Just then I began to hear the sound of many waters, it was so loud it began to rattle the earth. The sound of raging rapids filled my ears before I saw them with my eyes. At that moment I turned and saw what looked like Niagara Falls. We were at a place where three rivers met, and they were flowing forth with great force and capacity. At that moment the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said “Get ready for the gushing forth.”

    As these three rivers came together and poured out over the people I saw old withered bodies being renewed as if they were in their youth. I saw hope that was growing thin be renewed. I saw faith being restored, I saw the grass begin to grow, and the valley begin to flourish again. These were the waters of refreshing, these were the waters of strength, these were the waters of prayers unanswered.. in these rivers were everything that has been held up in the spirit now being pushed forward.

    I want to prophesy to you today, the flood gates are breaking wide open over you and there is a gushing forth of the rivers of heaven. The things that have been held up in the realm of the Spirit are being made available to you. God is breathing upon the dry and desolate places of your life and bringing waves of refreshing, waves of mercy, and waves of His glorious grace. Faint not, lift your eyes to heaven and let the river of His presence overtake you. Now is the hour!

  • The Eli’s and Elijah’s

    The Lord spoke to me last night about two kinds of fathers in the body of Christ right now that He is causing a separation and distinction from: the Eli’s and the Elijah’s.

    Both of these men had similarities in their lives. They were both fathers. They were both called, anointed, and appointed by God. Both of these men walked with the Lord, heard Him speak, and became oracles of God proclaiming His word. They were both prophets, and both of these men were undeniably loved by the Father.

    However, the end of their lives appeared very different. Eli who was a high priest would go up every year to Shiloh and worship and honor the Lord bringing before Him a sacrifice. Though he started off right with the Lord, he began to be blinded and could not see, nor did he have an ear to hear. He allowed his sons to sleep around in the temple of God, and even when Samuel is in the temple and hears the voice of God crying out to him, it took Eli several times before he could even rightly discern it was God speaking. His heart grew callused, and his sight grew dim. He allowed his sons to run rampant in the house of God, and no longer corrected sin but traded his altar of intimacy for the throne of his sons hearts, and he traded holiness and the glory of God for momentary satisfaction. Though he was a “seer,” he could not see. With that the word of the Lord which was delivered to Eli and he did not take heed, came to pass, and in battle his two sons were killed and the ark of God had been captured. Hearing of this news Eli falls backwards in his chair, and breaking his neck he dies, still blind to what was around him.

    Then we have Elijah, a man of courageous and bold faith; a man that called down fire on mount Carmel and dealt with the injustices in the land; a man that walked with God in total fear and reverence for His presence. One day Elijah and his servant Elisha are walking along the Jordan. The fifty sons of the prophets had just questioned Elisha saying, “Don’t you know your master is leaving you today?” Elisha responded to them saying “Yes, I know it. Keep quiet,” and he continued on with Elijah saying, “I will not leave you.”

    Elijah walks with Elisha and takes off his coat, striking the waters of the Jordan they cross over supernaturally on dry ground. After he gets him away from all the chatter, and all the noise, he proposes a question to his servant Elisha saying, “What do you ask of me before I am taken?” Elisha responds back to him saying, “I want a double portion of your spirit upon me,” and Elijah turns to Elisha saying “you asked a hard thing, yet if you see me when I go, it shall be done for you.”

    Now, why did he say you asked a hard thing? I believe in that moment after being proposed that question, Elijah began to recount all that he endured and went through to carry the measure of anointing on his life. Yes, we know of his great triumphs and victories in the Lord. But, the same man that called down fire on Mt. Carmel, and killed the prophets of Baal, was also found at one time under a juniper tree, begging for the Lord to take his life. A man that walked in great power, and anointing was found feeling alone, wondering if there were any left in the world that still served God.

    In this moment of questioning, I believe all these scenarios began to be recounted in Elijah’s head. The cost of the anointing, because how can any man build anything unless they first count the cost. And he didn’t respond saying, “If you prophesy like me...if you know the scripture like me.. if you have money and wealth..” No, the requirement for inheritance was “can you endure to the end? Can you finish the race set before you?” Paul also spoke on this matter saying, “I have finished the race set before me, and I have KEPT the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

    See it’s not just about whether you start in holiness, can you finish in holiness? Can you run the race set before you with endurance and finish the race well? Not being blinded by what’s around you and the things of this world. Greed, lust, and power come to destroy the children of God, but I urge you to keep your eyes fixed on Him. Jesus did not say “by your ability to preach or prophesy they will know your my disciples,” He said, “by your LOVE for one another.” Real love chastises, real love corrects, and real love does not allow the continuation of sin within the camps of God.

    Real love doesn’t trade the ark of Gods presence and glory for the satisfaction of the flesh, but understands that “it is not I who lives, but Christ in me, the hope of all glory.” We are bond servants to Christ and the highest price in heaven was paid for our freedom and redemption. We have the ability through the cross of Jesus Christ to commune with God, and walk with Him in direct relationship. Keeping His commandments, and walking upright with Him. That is an honor and a privilege. To spend your days at the feet of Jesus, and beholding His beauty. The Bible tells us it is those who endure to the end that shall be saved (Matthew 24:13).

    These were two men who had callings to host God’s presence and raise up sons to be lovers of His presence. One passed the test, while the other failed. One had lost everything in his life including the presence of God, and fell over backwards, dying as he hit his head because he failed as the “head” of his house. With that his lineage died also. Then you have Elijah, who had many times of trials and tribulation but he stayed the course, and he allowed God to break him, to mold him, and to use him unto His glory. Elijah stood for righteousness and dealt with injustice in the land, and he raised up his son to love and fear God and keep his commandments. Eli fell and broke his neck, Elijah was ushered into the presence of God by chariots of Israel’s horseman and a whirlwind of fire, leaving his mantle and a double portion of his spirit behind. Elisha went on to do double the miracles that his father Elijah had seen and done.

    There is a power in finishing well, and keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. God is dealing with the Eli’s in the house of God and raising up an Elijah company to overthrow and overturn injustice in the land and raise up a strong company of believers who will not only finish the course, but will carry a double measure of the anointing the previous generation walked in, and they will help usher in not the first great awakening nor the second, but the GREATEST AWAKENING the earth has ever seen. One that will awaken the bride and she will not fall back into her slumber. I say, let the Elijah’s arise in Jesus name!

    -Tyler Medina



    In 2018 the Lord had me prophesy that there was a great divide coming to the body of Christ. I wrote in detail what would take place as God stripped down the current state of the church, causing a divide to two sides. The pure in heart on one side and those who were unclean on another. On one side were those who’s hearts were after God and on the other side were the wolves in sheeps clothing that only sought to devour the children of God. I then wrote a word where I described an encounter I had with a massive angel that was wielding a sword of fire and liberation through out the body of Christ, it was a sword of deliverance.

    God specifically showed me in this vision that many would fall away from Him. He said many well known preachers and ministers would fall away from the church and there would be a great devastation. That same year I wrote saying, “Many will fall away from God, and be caught in scandals. Ministers who most would of never expected will fall and it will shock the body of Christ.” Since that point I have seen God confirm this very word. There have been many people and groups that labeled themselves as tribes, families and organizations while heaven marked them as leagues of assassins. They only sought to divide and conquer the men and women of God for the advancement of their own agendas. Their heart had an agenda that violated the word and will of God. They sought to build their own kingdom while trampling on Gods at the sake of souls.

    In this past year the Lord began to strip down the bride, and many drew away as God forged His bride by fire. Those who survived the fire were to be promoted in this next season. If you don’t know it by now, you were being tried and tested by fire... but the good news is you passed, you are here! You were tried by fire but it didn’t scorch you. There were many tears shed, there were many wounds that needed healed, there was much deliverance that needed to take place ... but now is the hour of ascension. Much like Gideon’s army God stripped down the bride to a remnant who’s hearts still belonged to Him. He stripped it down to a people who haven’t been bought by platforms or swayed by enticing words of man’s wisdom but they are sold out to Jesus Christ and His mandate for the earth.

    As I was sitting down the other day talking with another ministry leader the Spirit of God spoke to me and He said 2018 through 2021 were years of division for the sake of advancement but these next several years will be the years I call forth a unified front. He said “Tyler, I am coming back for my bride and not my brides for I am calling her to reign as one.” I felt a leaping in my spirit as I saw the greatest era of the Ekklesia unfolding. One that would not be labeled the first great awakening nor the second, but the GREATEST AWAKENING. One that would awaken the bride and she would not fall back asleep into her slumber.

    He said, “what I am looking to do in the earth can only come through a unified front.” He said this will be the year that the remnant rises and reigns. This will be the year where we will see church borders and walls come down, it will be a year where God strips denominational barriers and the children of God will rise with one heart and one vision. To see gospel of the kingdom preached in all the earth. It is not about any one man, it is about the kingdom of heaven being advanced in the earth and Jesus Christ gaining the reward of His suffering.

    The result of this unity will cause the body to ascend. It will cause us to witness the greatest move of the Spirit the world has yet to see. It will forever shift the composition of not only the church but also humanity. We will see the greatest days of unprecedented miracles, signs and wonders as we finally will look like the one that we behold. From this place of unity we will see a new era hit the church, and I believe it will also be deemed the greatest era of spiritual and economic growth to hit this country in 100 years. It will be a decade of liberation, spiritually growth, mass expansion, mass salvation, and revival fire spreading forth throughout the earth. However, this move of the spirit can only come through a unified body who’s sole purpose is to lift the name of Jesus high. For He said, “when I be lifted high I will draw all men to me.” This is the hour to cast aside our agendas and come together as a unified front.


    In 1 Samuel 17:50-51 it is recorded that after David defeated Goliath, he approaches this fallen giant and withdraws his sword from its sheath. David then proceeds to cut off the head of his fallen enemy. Some of you have been battling giants in this past season. Giants that have been sent in attempt to steal the land and promise of God over your life. If the Israelites would of been defeated they would have been made slaves to the Philistines.

    Remember, it wasn't just Davids family that was saved due to this courageous act. It was the entire nation of Israel. David was fighting for, and protecting the people of Israel long before he ever took the throne as King. Some of you are warring for promises you feel like are never going to come to pass. Some of you are warring and giants have been sent to steal your joy, and steal your peace. They've be sent to make you a slave to fear, and a slave to injustice. But I see new boldness coming upon you! God is clothing you in strength and dignity. He says what he's ordained no man can take away. Don't you stop fighting for what God has promised! Keep your hand to the plow! Because he's getting ready to take you from shepherd boy to King.

    Just as Davids family was saved from slavery due to him standing in the gap. God says your prayers and your warfare are not void of purpose. He says you will be the bridge to your family coming out of darkness and into the light. Everything you have been contending for in this past season is getting ready to unfold. You've seen the giant get knocked down.. but God says it's time to finish what was started. It's time to rise up and cut the head off your enemy!

    After David cut the head off of Goliath, he took it back to Jerusalem (the capital city) as a sign of victory! It was a sign that the Israelites had won. Now this was not an uncommon practice in Davids time. Cutting off the head of your enemy served multiple purposes. It assured the death of your opponent, it was a sure sign of identifying who was killed, it served as a warning to your enemies, it served as a sign of victory for your people, and it was believed by many that your head contained all power and wisdom. It's the head that controls the whole body.

    Today God is calling you to rise up and cut the head off of every giant that sought out to make you a slave to the kingdom of darkness. He's calling you to finish what was started. It was the testimony of Goliath that opened up the doors to the palace. I hear the spirit of God say for many of you today, your victory is here! Your breakthrough is here! Your season of warfare is breaking loose and he is shaking every dead thing from your life. He is giving you the head of your enemy as a sign of victory to your family, to your city, and to your region. What was meant to enslave you was setting up the door for you to reign. The victory is yours says the Lord. Get ready because you are about to cross over your Jordan. I see words that have been spoken over you coming to pass, and I see the triumph coming to those things you've contended for. Be encouraged today saints. The season of advancement is here.


    -Tyler Medina


    I’m not one who always harbors on numerical symbolism, however, I also have to acknowledge and be aware that God likes numbers, He speaks through numbers, and there are no coincidences with Him.

    As I was in my office this morning the Holy Spirit began to stir me up and I heard the Spirit of God say to me, “Tell my people this is their year of the open door.”

    I saw every door of trauma, hurt, pain, confusion, chaos, worry, doubt, lack, frustration, guilt, envy, being shut and sealed by the blood of the Lamb. He said I am shutting the door and no one can open it. You won’t have to keep revisiting the same situation any longer, wondering what you could or would do differently. You don’t have to fall victim any longer to what “feels” like a continuous hamster wheel, or dream that keeps repeating itself. There is freedom available to you today, and the cycle is breaking in Jesus’ name.

    This will be the year that you step into the open door, paved by the spilled blood of Emmanuel’s veins. For every area of hurt, He’s come to make you whole. For every area of lack, you’re stepping into plenty. For every measure of pain, you’re coming into joy. For every area of brokenness, you’re becoming complete. For every area of doubt, He is giving you the gift of faith.

    This will be the year the cycle ends and you step into the divine inheritance that’s available to you as a son and as a daughter of the Most High God.

    Isaiah 22:22

    I will give him the key to the house of David—the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.


    The cycle is breaking, the tides are turning, and you’re coming out on the other side unscathed with the word of the Lord in your mouth and a new fire in your belly. For every measure of surrender, you are stepping into new measures of glory. Just as olives are crushed to produce oil, you have undergone crushing to produce the anointing necessary to destroy the yokes of bondage and to help usher in a new wave of deliverance.


    “The breaker shall go up before them [liberating them]. They will break out, pass through the gate and go out; So their King goes on before them,�The Lord at their head.”

    -Micah 2:13


    In Genesis 40, we see a parallel story between the lives of two people, a cupbearer and a baker. Both of these men had offended their master (the king of Egypt). Ridden with anger, the Pharaoh has both of his servants thrown into prison. This was the same prison where Joseph was being held. After some time in prison both men have a dream, each with their own meaning. The next morning, Joseph sees these men looking down and distraught and inquires of them, “Why do you look so sad?” They responded to Joseph saying, “We both had dreams but no one to interpret them.” In response to these men Joseph says, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”

    So the chief cupbearer told Joseph his dream. He said to him, “In my dream, I saw a vine in front of me, and on the vine were three branches. As soon as it budded, it blossomed, and its clusters ripened into grapes. Pharaoh’s cup was in my hand, and I took the grapes, squeezed them into Pharaoh’s cup and put the cup in his hand.”

    “This is what it means,” Joseph said to him. “The three branches are three days. Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your position, and you will put Pharaoh’s cup in his hand, just as you used to do when you were his cupbearer. But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison. I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing to deserve being put in a dungeon.”

    When the chief baker saw that Joseph had given a favorable interpretation, he said to Joseph, “I too had a dream: On my head were three baskets of bread. In the top basket were all kinds of baked goods for Pharaoh, but the birds were eating them out of the basket on my head.”

    “This is what it means,” Joseph said. “The three baskets are three days. Within three days Pharaoh will lift off your head and impale your body on a pole. And the birds will eat away your flesh.”

    Now the third day was Pharaoh’s birthday, and he gave a feast for all his officials. He lifted up the heads of the chief cupbearer and the chief baker in the presence of his officials: He restored the chief cupbearer to his position, so that he once again put the cup into Pharaoh’s hand—but he impaled the chief baker, just as Joseph had said to them in his interpretation.

    -Genesis 40:9-22

    Last night in prayer the Lord began to bring this passage back to me and speak to me of the symbolism between the cupbearer and the baker. He began to speak to me saying, “The baker represents those who have played patty-cake with My presence. They have sugar-coated the gospel and sold a message that satisfies a craving in the moment but leaves you hungering for a lifetime. They preach a message that tickles the ears but leaves you empty and barren. It carries a form of godliness but denies the power thereof. It’s sweet to your tongue but has no nutrition, no value.”

    He said, “Those who have preached this gospel will lose their voice in this hour. Those who have tried to manufacture (bake) a gospel that served them, but left people dry and empty. Those who altered the truth to try and appease man. Those who have sold out for monetary gain, or to be elevated in the sight of man. Those who have abused God’s people and used them to advance their own kingdom rather than the kingdom of God. Those who have left their first love and relied on man’s bread rather than eating of the daily bread of deliverance, being continually formed and fashioned into the likeness of God. They have ceased growing deeper in Me, and in accordance to John 15 they have become like the branch that withers and is thrown in the fire because apart from Me they are nothing.”

    The Lord says, “And then there is the cupbearer. The one who drinks the wine of the King. The one who has undergone the crushing necessary to produce the wine of communion that will usher in a new wave of intimacy between the Spirit and the bride. Just as a cupbearer protects the king from being poisoned, these men and women have protected my bride from being poisened by the spirit of religion, and the loose doctrines of men who do not know Me. They are being elevated to positions of authority in this hour and their voices will echo before My throne as heaven invades earth in response to the cry of their travail. They will operate under a new wine, and boldly proclaim the unadulterated, unaltered word of God.”

    Remember Nehemiah, who was also a cupbearer to the king. Nehemiah felt commissioned by the Lord to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and was released by the King to build with full authority and access to all the materials he needed. Nehemiah began to rebuild the walls of his fathers and due to the threats of enemies, he instructed his men to build with one hand on the wall and another on their weapon. Warring over the promise, he fulfilled the assignment of the Lord and rebuilt a wall that has stood the test of time.

    I prophesy a generation of Nehemiahs rising who have found the favor of the King. They are being released and commissioned to go forth in this hour and build according to the blueprints of heaven. They have full access to the heavenly realm, and have come into the supernatural provision to build as the Lord has instructed. They will know how to war, and they will know how to build. They will rebuild the ancient ruins and help lead the bride of Christ into victory. They will go forth bold as lions, and preach the word of Lord that cuts deep to the hearts of men and awakens them to life. They will lead a generation to help rebuild what has been lost, and usher the bride back into the King’s chambers, the place of His presence. From this place may they be stirred up with a holy fire to go forth and defend the sacred place of intimacy with God. May we see a generation arise in righteousness and fear of the Lord and see a mighty awakening rise in the earth that won’t be known as the first great awakening, nor the second, but the greatest awakening. One that will awaken the bride and she will not fall back asleep into her slumber.

  • God is wielding a Sword of Fire, and a Sword of Deliverance through the church in this hour.

    He is circumcising hearts, and cutting off the parts of the flesh that can't remain. He is stripping every extremity that would be used as a divisive tool of the enemy to stop the synchrony of your heart beating with His, and to keep you from advancing in this next season. He's not wielding this sword from the place of anger, He is wielding it from a heart seated in perfect love. It’s aim is to separate the things that no longer belong in your life, the things that have held you bondage, the things that have kept you from intimacy with His presence.

    I see fresh fire and fresh wind coming upon God’s people. He says, “Many have been crying out for fresh fire to fill their lives, they have been crying out for the rain of My spirit to saturate them, they have been crying out to know Me more deeply and intimately. But in order to come up higher, in order to step past the veil and into the inner courts of My presence, and into the realms of intimacy that you have cried out for...I first have to burn up the areas of your life that would deny you access from entering into My Holy of Holies.”

    It is not without gifting that no man shall see God, it is without Holiness that no man shall see Him. He says, “You have asked to see Me, you have cried out for more of My presence and He says while I was there in your midst it was your sin that covered your eyes from seeing my face. It is the little compromises, the secret sins, the little foxes that you have allowed entry into your vineyard. They have eaten all the fruit to the point there is none left to give as an offering to Me. These foxes, these sins, these compromises have hid yourself from Me,” says the Lord.

    He says that He is drawing His people back to the altar of intercession in this hour, and He is drawing His people back to a place of deep repentance. I see Him placing His finger on areas of the heart that need to be surrendered and handed over. There are some things He is revealing that you are not presently aware exist in your life, but the love of Jesus is shining a light on every interference of Holy communion with His Spirit. This purging is not to harm you, but to purify you and bring you into the deeper communion you have longed for.

    He says, “The fire is your friend. Embrace this fire that I am sending for it is My all consuming fire that is cleansing you, purifying you, and bringing you into a deeper measure of holiness. These are not the fires of affliction, they are the flames of eternal love sent to inflict a holy passion for Me and to cause you to burn with great zeal and a righteous indignation toward every form of ungodliness. With fresh fire comes fresh revelation, and an invitation to new realms of My glory. There is an invitation to witness and partake of a new outpouring of My Spirit that will be defined and redefined as something no eye has seen, and no ear has heard. It is the latter and the former coming together. It is the old wells and the fresh rain. It is an authentic expression of the manifestation of My Spirit that will be invoked by the desperate cry of a Holy generation, earnestly seeking to fan the embers of revival and see a bride made ready for her King.”

  • Ambidextrous Anointing

    While in prayer the Lord began to speak to me about the “ambidextrous” anointing. He said “Tyler, I am raising up a people who possess an ambidextrous anointing needed for this hour. They are a people who know how to use both hands and will use every gift and every talent they possess unto the glory of God. They can build with one hand and war with another. “

    He said, “There is a Nehemiah mandate being released upon My people to rebuild the walls of their inheritance in this hour. I am releasing great grace to do in this season what they could not accomplish in seasons past, but they will have to be willing to war as much as they are willing to build. With one hand on the wall and another on their weapon. For I am going to pour out My Spirit in greater measure, in ways that no eyes has seen and no ear has heard. I am going to open up the flood gates of heaven and pour out My favor and My provision. Those who are called by My name will step into the land of their inheritance, they will step into the land of fulfillment, and they will step into the land of promise. But this is no time to let up, which is why will you have to learn to use every gift I have distributed. You will have to learn to be ambidextrous, and you will have to learn to build with one hand and fight with another.”

    Nehemiah 4:17

    “Those who carried materials did their

    work with one hand and held a weapon

    in the other.”

  • The Season of Unbreakable Covenants

    Over the last few days the Lord has been speaking to me about the season of unbreakable covenants. For many of you, it feels like you have been on a hampster wheel in regard to relationships—a repetitive cycle that goes around and around, and right before the momentum really begins to build, a form of divisiveness settles in the relationship to halt the work of the Lord.

    Saul loved David, until he heard the people singing, “Saul killed his thousands but David tens of thousands.” The spirit of jealously arose. Now Saul would seek to end the life of the man he once looked to for comfort, exhortation, and to release the spirit of peace over him and his household by playing his harp. Their relationship started and ended with the spear. In the beginning, the spear was offered in a covenantal promise to deal with the enemy that opposed Israel. Then it ended with a spear being offered against the enemy of his own internal conflict.

    One of the great detriments to the body of Christ in this hour is the orphan spirit. This spirit often partners with the spirit of jealousy, bitterness, envy, strife, hatred, resentment, etc. No matter how much an orphan wants to celebrate family internally, they strike down the very idea of it because they can’t get over the spirit of competition and the need to present themselves in a way that they would be “picked” over their fellow man. However, the reality is that we have been given the spirit of adoption as the sons of God by which we cry “Abba Father” (Romans 8:15).

    The Lord said to tell you this morning that you are coming into a season of unbreakable covenants, and beyond that, a season of true family. Where you will find friends that stick closer than brothers, and your hearts will March to the beat of the same drum. You will experience a synergistic grace to accomplish together what you could not accomplish on your own. There will be a grace to step into and experience team ministry unlike anything you have ever felt before. Jonathans will find their Davids in this hour, and there will be a sweet friendship that will stand the test of time. God is sending people to your left and to your right, for one can put 1,000 to flight, but two can put 10,000 to flight. You will experience the power of agreement, unity, and ascension. This is the hour of true kingdom connections and unbreakable covenants, says the Lord.

    Proverbs 18:24 - There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

    Ruth 1:16 - Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.